‘Drug peddler’ killed in Chuadanga ‘shootout’

Chuadanga Correspondent
Published : 13:52, Apr 13, 2019 | Updated : 14:06, Apr 13, 2019

An alleged drug peddler has been killed in Chuadanga in what the police described as shootout.
The incident was reported around 2am on Saturday (Apr 13) at Ukto village in the district’s Sadar Upazila, said police.
The deceased has been identified as 48-year-old Ruhul Amin.
“Acting on a tip-off, a gang of drug peddlers were about to smuggle illegal narcotics through the Ukto village, a police patrol team took up position nearby. Around 2am, the police challenged at least eight people, who were carrying sacks on their heads. The gang immediately opened fire on the policemen, triggering a shootout,” said Chuadanga Sadar police OC Abu Zihad Fakhrul Alam Khan.
“Later, police conducted a search operation in the area with help from the locals. The bullet-riddled body of Ruhul Amin was found at the scene. He was taken to Chuadanga Sadar Hospital where the doctor declared him dead,” added Khan.
A gun, two rounds of ammunition, two machetes and a sack of phensedyl bottles were seized from the scene, he added.
Three police personnel were injured in the incident, added the OC.
Chuadanga Superintendent of Police Mahbubur Rahman said, “Ruhul Amin is a listed drug trader, and wanted in 16 cases filed with diferent police stations in the district.”
