Five teachers remanded over Ctg student murder

Staff Correspondent, Chatttogram
Published : 23:37, Apr 12, 2019 | Updated : 23:37, Apr 12, 2019

Representational imagePolice have been given three days in custody to quiz five people over the murder of a madrasa student in Chatttogram on Wednesday (Apr 10).
Five teachers including the principal of Jamia Abu Bakar Siddique Al Islamia Madrasa were arrested after the victim’s father reported to police on Friday (Apr 12), port city’s Bayazid Bostami police OC Ataur Rahman told Bangla Tribune.
The arrestees are principal Abu Darda, Md Tareque, Md Anas, Md Jobaer and Abdus Salam.
Later in the day, police produced them in the court that granted them three days in remand.
On Wednesday, police recovered the hanging body of Habibur Rahman from the third floor of the madrasa.
Following the killing, victim’s father filed a case with Bayazid Bostami police accusing five teachers of the institution.
