Police filed case against themselves (Video)

Bangla Tribune Report
Published : 16:24, Aug 02, 2018 | Updated : 16:34, Aug 02, 2018

Police filed case against themselves.Student movement demanding safe road and accountability for the deaths of two teenagers has entered the fifth day on Thursday.
The protesting students are checking vehicles for documents before letting them pass on different roads of the capital. That includes vehicles of the police and media workers as well.
On Thursday, it was seen in one video that students stopped a police sedan car and demanded for the legal documents. Traffic and DMP police officials were present there at the time.
At that point, one DMP official came forward and told the constable driver of the vehicle, ‘So, you don’t have driving license.’
However, the cop-driver conversation was inaudible. Then the on-duty policeman told the driver, ‘Get down, I’ll file a case. Park your vehicle on the side of the road.’
The driver complied and got out of the car. Then the police sergeant filed the case and students present their cheered out loud.

