Anti-militancy leaflets to be distributed soon

Nuruzzaman Labu
Published : 07:30, Jun 25, 2019 | Updated : 07:30, Jun 25, 2019

Dhaka based Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) has prepared a leaflet highlighting measures to be taken to counter militancy. In several steps, the leaflets will be printed in more than one crore pieces to be distributed among the people.
The leaflet will also highlight the reasons why young people get involved in radicalism, the difference between militancy and normal living, plus other issues.
CTTC officials say that the leaflets will be distributed from 25 June till 30 June during militancy awareness week among the city residents.
CTTC officials add: depression, separation, family troubles, identity crisis and influence of friends are the reasons why many lean towards militancy.
As economic reasons, poverty, unemployment, economic deprivation, class division are mentioned while ideological causes are lack of proper knowledge of religion and lust for a better afterlife. It also mentions international political events, which may influence someone to take up radicalism.
The several steps leading to the making of a radical are as follows: due to depression, disillusionment or influenced by international events, people become attracted to a life in religion to get salvation, secondly, they come into contact with radical recruiting agents lurking in the net, they begin to avoid old friends and seek out new ones, in the fourth step, they become obsessed with the idea of getting eternal salvation, in the fifth, they take a violent act to implement their objective and, in the last, get involved in acts of aggression.
The leaflet says that there are certain indicators to identifying a militant – inattentive at class, changing one’s profession, staying away from entertainment, secretly following radical web sites on the net, using terms like Kaffir, Murtad, Nastik, expressing sympathy towards radical groups, attending clandestine religious sessions etc.
To prevent militancy, three steps are required: ensuring family education, inculcating patriotism, ideals of the liberation war, secularism and encouragement to the sport.
The leaflet says that parents, teachers need to be vigilant so youngsters are not influenced by a distorted interpretation of religion.
While giving rent of apartments, the identity of the tenant has to be ascertained. In case of suspicion, the CTTC has to be informed, the leaflet said.
The leaflet warns about radical recruiters who initially show compassion and solicitude to get closer to a vulnerable person; later, the victim is shown salvation through extremist acts and given links to radical propaganda materials on the net.
The real religious preacher will always tell a tormented person to stay away from destruction and never encourage to be involved in violence as a means to serve religion, the leaflet adds.
