Visitors throng at Rooppur nuclear power plant pavilion

Bangla Tribune Report
Published : 20:31, Sep 08, 2018 | Updated : 20:45, Sep 08, 2018

Over 2000 people have visited the Rooppur nuclear power plant (RNPP) pavilion throughout a three-day fair in Dhaka.
The fair, which ended on Saturday (Sept 8), was organised on the occasion of the Power and Energy Week 2018.
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) set up the pavilion at the fair in the city’s International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB).
BAEC aimed to create awareness about the modern nuclear power technology, safety and eco-friendliness of nuclear energy.
The design of the RNPP pavilion was inspired by the design of the cooling towers to be built at Bangladesh's first ever nuclear power plant in Rooppur of Pabna’s Ishwardi.
BAEC and ROSATOM jointly organized various educational and entertainment program for the visitors including documentary film, video games, quiz competition among others.
Different leaflets and booklets in Bangla on nuclear power were distributed among the visitors while the BAEC and ROSATOM staffs replied to their queries on nuclear energy.
Russia's state-owned ROSATOM will construct the power plant, which is being built with the technological and financial assistance from Russia.
The power plant will have two units of 1,200MW each. The ‘3+ Generation VVER- 1200’ reactors will be installed to meet the safety requirements set by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
