Rapist could not flee from sub inspector Razia of Turag thana

Sheikh Jahangir Alam
Published : 04:00, Oct 04, 2018 | Updated : 12:35, Oct 04, 2018

Rapist could not flee from sub inspector Razia of Turag thanaAs part of a series of reports on police stations, Bangla Tribune went to Turag thana, where sub-inspector, Razia, working as the duty officer, recounted her experience of catching a rapist.
“Seeing the violator run away, I felt a surge of supernatural power, ran after him and caught the perpetrator,” said sub-inspector Razia, adding: “the case is still running and the abused girl, a twelve year old, is now pregnant.”
Turag thana is at the periphery of Dhaka, near Diabari after Uttara. The police station has been beautified with flowers.
At the thana’s ‘women and children help desk, a man, woman and a child were seen.
It was found that to avoid being caught in public wrath over perceptions of unlawful relation, the man and the woman had been bought to the police station.
Their relatives have been called, said the sub-inspector.
Earlier, a team from the thana brought in a woman who was carrying religion based literature in her bag. The locals Of Diabari suspected her of being a radical and called the police.
During questioning, the woman reveled her link to Hijbut Towhid.
Later, a person from the said organsiation came and told the police that Hijbut Towhid is not outlawed and the publications found in the woman’s possession are legal.
The woman, who told Bangla Tribune that she is a mobile salesperson of Hijbut Towhid’s publications, was set free.
Hijbut Towhid’s Uttara branch president said: our organisation works to create awareness against sectarianism, militancy and extremism.”
A certain quarter with a vile motive harassed and intimidated her; but she was rescued by the police, he observed.
Turag is an area where low income people reside with garment workers making the lion’s share of the residents.
It’s also found that drug selling and buying is low in Turag though narcotic traders mainly operate in Uttara.
Turag thana has nine bits with duties entrusted to five sub inspectors and 20 assistant sub-inspectors. However, until 5 pm, the inspector (investigation) and inspector (operation) could not be found.
Since it’s Friday, they usually come after evening, said a sub-inspector.
