'Egg Boy' reveals why he egged on Australian senator

Bangla Tribune Desk
Published : 22:14, Mar 25, 2019 | Updated : 22:20, Mar 25, 2019

The world famous Egg Boy -- or Will Connolly, as he'd prefer you go back to calling him -- says his attack on an Australian senator was just meant "to be a few laughs".

The 17-year-old reflected on the whirlwind of attention he's received since deciding to smash an egg on the head of the far-right senator, Fraser Anning.
"I didn't think this was going to blow up," Connolly said in an interview on Australia’s Channel 10 on Monday (Mar 25).
"It's blown up completely out of proportion to the point where its kind of embarrassing, because too much of the attention is actually brought away from the real victims suffering. We should be focusing on them."
Connolly egged Anning at a Melbourne event, after the senator released a widely-condemned statement blaming Muslim immigration for the Christchurch terror attack.
The attack's alleged gunman -- an Australian citizen -- killed 50 people while they worshipped in two of the city's mosques.

Connolly said he was "flat out disgusted" by Anning's statement, and decided to take action.

"After the tragedy in Christchurch, I thought the world should be supporting all those victims with giving them love and passion," he said.

"And the senator released a statement which was pretty much a divisive hate speech blaming the victims for the attack."
But the teenager said he didn't attend the event having completely made his mind up on the egging.
"I actually went in there to listen to him for an hour, see if he'd change my mind as I'm a pretty forgiving person," Connolly said.
Evidently, Anning failed to do so.
"In my mind I wanted to forgive him but then he started saying some more things...which empowered me to egg him," Egg Boy said.
Anning reacted quickly to the egging, turning and appearing to hit Connolly twice on the head, before a group of his supporters violently tackled and restrained the teenager.
The response to Connolly's actions were global, but not all in one direction -- tributes and praise were matched with outrage over the attack on a serving politician. A GoFundMe to raise money for any legal fees Connolly may incur and to buy "more eggs" was set up shortly after the incident.
When asked if he thinks it's acceptable to attack an elected official, Connolly claimed he didn't believe there was ever a reason to physically attack anyone, and said he understood why it would upset people.
But picking up where his only previous public message left off -- when he told supporters he had "no regrets" via social media -- he offered no apology to Anning.

"I understand what I did was not the right thing to do," he said.
"However, this egg has united people and, you know, money has been raised, tens of thousands of dollars have been raised for those victims."
The online crowdfunding campaign has raised close to $80,000, and Connolly said "every cent" will be donated to the victims of the terror attack.
The Melbourne teenager said it's been a crazy past week -- stressful, happy, overwhelming in general -- and he hasn't had much time to think about whether or not he'll be taking up the Aussie musicians who have offered him lifetime tickets to their gigs.
For now though, he's "officially off the eggs".
